五月 26

Nexenta 是一個以OpenSolaris 為核心, 以Ubuntu為使用者介面的作業系統.
Nexenta目標是想要有Solaris般的穩定, 以及Linux般的容易上手。
ZFS及iSCSI的支援也是Nexenta最吸引人的地方. 所以呢, 拿它來當做ZFS base的NAS, 是最恰當的了.

Nexenta Core Platform 2.0 具有以下特點:
#OpenSolaris build 104+ based with critical patches.
# Over 13000 packages in the repository.
# Based on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) repository
# This includes latest dpkg/apt, gcc, binutils, coreutils, perl, python, ruby, Qt libs, GTK libs, etc
# SMF support added for server applications like apache, mysql, postgresql, exim4, etc.
# 100% native Debian environment, easy to upgrade, easy to use
# Includes Vim and screen by default
# Addition of latest devzone version to the CD.
# Includes apt-clone which brings zfs power to apt-get.

想要試試的人, 可以到下載來玩玩.

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