eCos  for NIOS project

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The goal of this project is that wants to port eCos to NIOS CPU. And execute some application on my FPGA board.

2004/02/09   eCos4Nios v0.4  released.
                     Feature :    (1)  HAL support GDB Stub on "MINI board"
                                        (2)  NIOS ICache & DCache always enable.

2004/01/16   eCos4Nios v0.3  released.
                     Feature :    (1)  Redboot  can work
                                        (2)  The tests of  kernel configuration  almost passed.

FPGA board
The FPGA platform I used is Altera NIOS Development Kits(Cyclone Edition)

MINI board
MINI board is not a real FPGA board. It's a NIOS configuration that own very few hardwaer feature.
The configuration only include 1 NIOS32 CPU(No Caches), 1 UART, 1 Timer, 2KB internal ROM(include GREMS), 1MB SRAM.
And it will run eCos very well.
Here is my MINI board's configuration (from my cpu_sdk/inc/excalibur.h):
// ===========================================================
// Parameters for Each Peripheral, Excerpted From The PTF File
// ------------------
// Parameters for altera_avalon_onchip_memory named onchip_memory_0
// Writeable                 = 0
// Size_Value                = 2
// Size_Multiple             = 1024
// Contents                  = blank
// Shrink_to_fit_contents    = 0
// use_altsyncram            = 1
// use_ram_block_type        = M4K
// altsyncram_ram_block_type = AUTO
// dual_port                 = 0
// CONTENTS                  = srec
// ------------------
// Parameters for altera_nios_multiply named MUL_cpu
// ci_cycles = 3
// ------------------
// Parameters for altera_nios named cpu
// CPU_Architecture     = nios_32
// mstep                = 0
// multiply             = 1
// rom_decoder          = 0
// wvalid_wr            = 0
// num_regs             = 256
// do_generate          = 1
// include_debug        = 0
// include_trace        = 0
// include_oci          = 0
// oci_offchip_trace    = 0
// oci_onchip_trace     = 0
// oci_num_xbrk         = 0
// oci_num_dbrk         = 0
// oci_dbrk_trace       = 0
// oci_dbrk_pairs       = 0
// oci_debugreq_signals = 0
// reset_slave          = onchip_memory_0/s1
// reset_offset         = 0x00000000
// vecbase_slave        = eram/s1
// vecbase_offset       = 0x000FFF00
// support_interrupts   = 1
// implement_forward_b1 = 0
// support_rlc_rrc      = 1
// advanced             = 1
// cache_has_icache     = 0
// cache_icache_size_k  = 0
// cache_has_dcache     = 0
// cache_dcache_size_k  = 0
// CONSTANTS            =
// mainmem_slave        = eram/s1
// datamem_slave        = eram/s1
// maincomm_slave       = uart_dgb/s1
// debugcomm_slave      = uart_dgb/s1
// germs_monitor_id     = eCos4Nios
// ------------------
// Parameters for altera_avalon_uart named uart_dgb
// baud             = 115200
// data_bits        = 8
// fixed_baud       = 0
// parity           = N
// stop_bits        = 1
// use_cts_rts      = 0
// use_eop_register = 0
// sim_true_baud    = 0
// sim_char_stream  =
// ------------------
// Parameters for altera_avalon_uart named uart1
// baud             = 115200
// data_bits        = 8
// fixed_baud       = 0
// parity           = N
// stop_bits        = 1
// use_cts_rts      = 1
// use_eop_register = 0
// sim_true_baud    = 0
// sim_char_stream  =
// ------------------
// Parameters for altera_avalon_timer named timer_tick
// always_run           = 0
// fixed_period         = 0
// snapshot             = 1
// period               = 1
// period_units         = ms
// reset_output         = 0
// timeout_pulse_output = 0
// mult                 = 0.001
// ------------------
// Parameters for altera_avalon_timer named timer1
// always_run           = 0
// fixed_period         = 0
// snapshot             = 1
// period               = 1
// period_units         = ms
// reset_output         = 0
// timeout_pulse_output = 0
// mult                 = 0.001
// ------------------
// Parameters for altera_nios_dev_kit_stratix_edition_sram named eram
// sram_memory_size  = 1024
// sram_memory_units = 1024
// sram_data_width   = 32
// CONTENTS          = srec

eCos4Nios-0.4.epk :  v0.4
eCos4Nios-0.3.epk :  v0.3
Docs                        :  Sorry, until now, I don't have any documents about it.

Altera            :   FPGA Provider
CDK4NIOS  :  NIOS Cross Development Kits
eCos             :   eCos Home
Another eCos port to NIOS
FPGA-Fancier : My another web site